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About Comic

Comics are a genre I've explored in the past. Below is a detailed description of the short comics I created during my MA program. In addition to traditional page comics, I've also produced strip comics that are convenient for viewing on mobile devices.

Sketch Processing

When creating comic panels, I typically start by sketching on paper, then proceed to draw them digitally on the computer. Finally, I go through the inking and other post-production processes.


About the Stroy

  In a distant country, the people live in luxury and unrestrained ,  caring only for pleasure and desire,believing in a " god " who loves the world but  has no morality or sense of right and wrong. The”God”gave a man the ability to judge all people,man chose  to  create a  treasure,  and in the country  will  be a big publicity  auction  this  thing ,  attracted  the nobility of the city ,  but no one ever knew what treasure is , some people think it is a rare treasure is a beautiful woman or handsome man, people have to buy admission tickets need to pay for “personal most valuable things”:no limited to colored treasures ,land and soon,and finally the nobles came to dress up for the feast,when the exhibition open,people have seen the real face of the treasure,sub-screen performance is a blank  screen, and then the next scene and the venue The picture became a black, someone began to scream injured, like spontaneous combustion,and finally the whole venue and the castle were burning up.

Because this treasure can trigger a strong desire within the self-desire to over-expand will begin to spontaneously combust, so no one has ever seen,or have this treasure,people are judged by their desires.




Treasure: No one has ever seen what treasure truly is; all we know is that it's a priceless gem. In reality, in the eyes of each person, treasure can transform into the desire residing within their heart.



Atlantis: A city marked by stark economic disparities, owing to its long history of coastal trade. It stands as one of the wealthiest cities within the continent. However, due to the tyrannical rule of its king, the common laborers and farmers suffer greatly, struggling to make ends meet. desire residing within their heart.




The God

The God: Formed by the prayers of people who gather in the church day and night, the "god" is summoned. This "god" lacks emotions, morality, or a clear definition of whether it is a true "god." However, it grants humanity the power they desire for themselves.



Ticket: On the poster, there are "tickets," and out of a hundred posters, only ten feature these rare tickets. This scarcity of tickets is a necessary strategy to incite infighting among the nobility.


The Duke of Farr

The Duke of Farr: A prominent figure in the local region known for his passion for collecting rare treasures from around the world. He often engages in the trade of precious antiques and artifacts and frequently contributes valuable treasures to the king.

Aout other comics

This comic story revolves around a prostitute who was born in Armstrong and encounters a mute father managing a church deep in the forest. During her time at the church, the prostitute finds new hope and purpose in life, ultimately leading to her departure from the church.

other comics


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